
MTRAP key [,d1 [,d2 [,d3 [,a0 [,a1 ]]]]] or

MTRAP key\jobnr [,d2 [,d3 [,a0 [,a1 ]]]]]


TRAPS (DIY Toolkit Vol T)

This command is similar to QTRAP in that it allows you to access the machine code TRAP #1 system calls directly. Unless you are using the second variant, you will need to pass at least one parameter, the operation key to be carried out (this is equivalent to the value in D0 when TRAP #1 is performed). The other parameters allow you to pass the various register values which may be required by the system calls.

The second variant is useful for when you are using a TRAP #1 call which requires a job ID - you can merely pass the jobnr of the required job, obtained from the JOBS list (rather than having to set D1 to the Job ID). For example to force remove Job 12, use the command:

MTRAP 5\12,0,0


Several TRAP #1 calls can crash the computer - make certain that you know what you are doing!


See IO_TRAP, QTRAP and BTRAP. REMOVE_TASK and RJOB are better for removing Jobs. Any return parameters can be read with DATAREG and ADDREG. Refer to the QDOS/SMS Reference Manual (Section 15) for details of the various system TRAP #3 calls.