
VG_PRINT x, y, fontnr, text$



The command VG_PRINT prints text$ at the absolute position x, y on the screen. The font which has been applied to fontnr with VG_LOAD will be used; there will be no output if the font number has not been used yet. If x and y are not inside the area defined with VG_WIND or the text is too high to fit, again there will be no output. VG_PRINT works only in high resolution mode (MODE 4).


VG_LOAD 1,flp1_goth_chr
VG_WIND 0,511,0,255
VG_PRINT 100,100,1,"Hello World"


Since the BGI fonts will usually originate from another computer system which uses a different character set, text$ and the actual output may differ dramatically if text$ contains characters which are not standardised in ASCII, especially national characters (umlauts, acutes). The following program lists the complete character set of a BGI font:

100 VG_LOAD 0,"flp1_goth_chr"
110 VG_WIND 0,511,0,255
120 WINDOW 512,256,0,0: PAPER 0: CLS
130 VG_PARA 7,5,5,0,0,0,0
140 FOR c=0 TO 255
150   VG_PRINT 20*(c MOD 20)+50,20*(c DIV 20),0,CHR$(c)
160 END FOR c


VG_PARA offers a switch to approximate an identity between text$ and display as far as possible. Modify line 130 in the above listing so that it looks like this now:

130 VG_PARA 7,5,5,0,1,0,0

Running the program again shows you VG_PRINT’s attempts to correct the problem. See also the other VG_XXX keywords!