
TTFINDM (addr, length, tosearch$)


QView Tiny Toolkit

This function will search for a given string in memory, see SEARCH, MSEARCH and BLOOK. Memory is scanned from address addr for length bytes onwards. The search is case-sensitive. TTFINDM returns zero if the string was not found or the positive relative address plus one where the string first occurs.


Old or badly written programs and Toolkits require the screen located at address $20000 and the System Variables at $28000, this causes great problems an Minerva in Dual Screen Mode and other advanced systems as well.

Our demonstration for TTFINDM loads a file into memory and scans it for the occurrence of the two mentioned numbers in their internal format. This method of checking code is pretty reliable for hand-written machine code. The problem$ values have been computed with:



100 file$ = "flp2_tool_shape_cde"
110 length = FLEN(\file$)
120 DIM problem$(2,4)
130 problem$(1) = CHR$(0)&CHR$(2)&CHR$(0)&CHR$(0)
140 problem$(2) = CHR$(0)&CHR$(2)&CHR$(128)&CHR$(0)
150 :
160 PAPER 3: CLS: INK 7
170 PRINT "Allocating memory...";
180 adr = TTALL(length): PRINT "done"
190 IF adr = 0 THEN PRINT "No memory.": STOP
200 PRINT "Loading"!file$;"...";
210 LBYTES file$ TO adr: PRINT "done"
220 FOR test = 1 TO DIMN(problem$)
230   PRINT "Test"!test;"...";
240   found = TTFINDM(adr, length, problem$(test))
250   IF found THEN
260     PRINT "failed"
270     DUMPIT adr+found-1, 4, 20
280   ELSE PRINT "ok"
290   END IF
300 END FOR test
310 PRINT "Releasing memory...";
320 TTREL adr: PRINT "done"
330 :
340 DEFine PROCedure DUMPIT (adr, length%, surr%)
350   INK 4: PRINT TTPEEK$(adr-surr%, surr%);
360   INK 7: PRINT TTPEEK$(adr, length%);
370   INK 4: PRINT TTPEEK$(adr+length%, surr%): INK 7


SEARCH, BLOOK, MSEARCH are all similar.