

TURBO_optim “ [ b | r | f ] “


Turbo Toolkit v3.00+

This is a directive for the TURBO compiler and should be located at the start of your program before any active program lines. The way in which TURBO compiles a program can be optimised using a trade off between speed and code size.

The TURBO_optim directive allows you to dictate how the compiled program is to be optimised and accepts a single character string which should be one of the following values:

  • b: Generate BRIEF code, which ensures that the program uses as little memory as possible. This generates the slowest programs.

  • r: Optimise code according to REMarks in the program. Normally this will generate BRIEF code unless you include a line containing REMark + in your program which tells TURBO to switch to FAST code. The code will then be optimised for speed until a line containing REMark - is encountered.

  • f: Generate FAST code, which ensures that the program runs as quickly as possible. This may however cause the program to need a lot more memory. As with other compiler directives, this value can be changed by configuring the parser_task program or by entering a different value on the Parser’s front panel.


5 TURBO_optim "b"


See TURBO_diags, TURBO_locstr, TURBO_model, TURBO_objdat, TURBO_objfil, TURBO_repfil, TURBO_struct, TURBO_taskn and TURBO_window for other directives