
FORCE_TYPE string$



This command forces the given string to be typed into the current keyboard queue, just as if you had typed it from the keyboard. There is not much use for this command in connection with applications because key macros such as ALTKEY are much easier to use. But, FORCE_TYPE can be used to perform an action without anyone actually needing to press a key.


Your telephone rings and you talk half an hour with a friend. Meanwhile your computer crashes - God only knows why - and the BASIC program you were writing has now disappeared along with everything else.

You could decrease this danger by writing and compiling such a program:

100 last_stroke = DATE
110 REPeat Sleeping
120   IF KEYROW(1) THEN last_stroke = DATE
130   IF DATE-last_stroke > 300 THEN
140     FORCE_TYPE "SAVE_O FLP1_Backup_bas" & CHR$(10)
150     REPeat Wait: IF KEYROW(1) THEN EXIT Wait
160     last_stroke=DATE
170   END IF
180 END REPeat Sleeping

This example should obviously be adapted to your specific needs, applications and tools.


Every console channel (ie. con_ windows) has a keyboard queue - the channel accessed by FORCE_TYPE must first be activated by a dummy INKEY$, PEND etc. to that channel.


In earlier versions of Tinytoolkit (pre v1.10), this command was called TYPE_IN, which could cause problems with Turbo compiled programs.


STAMP does exactly the same as FORCE_TYPE.