


SMS, Minerva

This function can be used from within SMS SBASICs, Minerva MultiBASICs and compiled programs (not SuperBASIC Job 0) to read a string passed to the program when it was initiated, with the command EX (or similar).

The string appears after the EX command, preceded with a semicolon.


Create a program to load in Xchange and set its default drives and memory, something akin to:

10 xch_data$=DATAD$:xch$=PROGD$
20 data_space=300
30 x$=CMD$
40 IF x$<>''
45   datpos='\' INSTR x$
50   IF datpos:data_space=x$(datpos+1 TO)
55   IF datpos>5:x$=x$(1 TO datpos-1)
74   dr1=',' INSTR x$
75   IF dr1<6
80     IF dr1=0:PROG_USE x$(1 TO):ELSE IF dr1<LEN(x$-4):DATA_USE x$(dr1+1 TO)
90   ELSE
100     PROG_USE x$(1 TO dr1-1)
110     IF dr1<LEN(x$)-4:DATA_USE x$(dr1+1 TO)
120   END IF
140 END IF
150 EX xchange;data_space
160 DATA_USE xch_data$
170 PROG_USE xch$

Save this as FLP1_XCHANGE_BAS (or similar).

Now, to pass the relevant parameters all you need do under SMS is enter the line:

EXEC flp1_XCHANGE_BAS;’win1_XCHANGE_,flp2_\200’

Minerva treats the string slightly differently - see EX for an explanation of the following command which achieves the same:

EXEC pipep;’flp1_XCHANGE_BAS>win1_XCHANGE,flp2_\200’

This will execute win1_XCHANGE_xchange with the help file to be loaded from win1_XCHANGE_ , the data files being loaded from flp2_ and a dataspace of 200K.


In SMS pre v2.60, you could not directly slice CMD$ - copy it to another string variable first, as in the example.


You cannot use this command in TURBO compiled jobs - use OPTION_CMD$ instead.


See EXEC and EXEC_W.