DEFine PROCedure


DEFine PROCedure name [(item *[,itemi]* )]



This command marks the beginning of the SuperBASIC structure which is used to surround lines of SuperBASIC code which forms an equivalent to a machine code SuperBASIC procedure, which can be called from within SuperBASIC as a sub-routine. This forms a powerful alternative to GO SUB and helps to make SuperBASIC programs very easy to read and de-bug.

The syntax of the SuperBASIC structure can take two forms:

DEFine PROCedure name [(item *[,itemi]* )]: statement *[:statement]*


DEFine PROCedure name [(item *[,itemi]* )] *[LOCal var *[,vari]* ]* *[statements]* [RETurn] END DEFine [name]

When the specified procedure name is called, the interpreter then searches the SuperBASIC program for the related DEFine PROCedure statement.

If this cannot be found, then the interpreter will look for a machine code procedure of that name.

If the definition of name cannot be found, then the error ‘Not Found’ will be reported if name was defined in the past, but the definition line has since been deleted.

If name has never been defined in the current SuperBASIC program, then the ‘Bad Name’ error will be reported. As with FuNctions, the method of searching means that a machine code PROCedure can be overwritten with a SuperBASIC definition and then later lost. Parameters and items are treated in the same manner as with DEFine FuNction. However, please note that calling parameters should not appear in brackets after the name (unless you intend to pass them otherwise than by reference!).

When called, all of the SuperBASIC code within the definition block will be executed until either an END DEFine or RETurn is found, in which case execution will return to the statement after the calling statement. In contrast however, to DEFine FuNction, there is no need for a PROCedure definition block to contain a RETurn statement.

Strictly a PROCedure cannot return a value - however due to the nature of the parameters being passed by reference (see DEFine FuNction), this is possible.


A simple demonstration program which highlights the fact that a PROCedure or FuNction can actually be recursive (ie. call itself), and also highlights the effect of passing parameters by reference - keep an eye on the values in #0:

100 radius=50:height=125:CLS:CLS#0
110 Rndom_circle radius,(height),100
120 AT #0,0,0:PRINT#0,radius,height,100
125 :
130 DEFine PROCedure Rndom_circle(x,y,z)
140   INK RND(7):FILL RND(1)
150   CIRCLE RND (y),RND(z),x
160   FILL 0
170   AT #0,0,0:PRINT#0,x,y,z:PAUSE
180   x=x-RND(5):y=y-1:z=z+1
190   IF x<1:RETurn
200   Rndom_circle (x),y,z
210 END DEFine


On pre JS ROMs, you could not define new PROCedures with names which had already been used in the same program.


On pre MG ROMs, any more than nine parameters may upset the program, corrupting it by replacing names with PRINT towards the end of a program. This can however be circumvented by increasing the size of the Name Table by 8 bytes for each name (plus a little more for luck), using the line:

CALL PEEK_W(282)+36,N


Recursive PROCedures (ie. PROCedures which call themselves, or call another PROCedure or FuNction which in turn calls the original PROCedure) are allowed (up to 32767 recursions on Minerva). They do however gobble up memory at an amazing rate and can cause problems in compiled SuperBASIC due to the fact that they need an ever-increasing amount of stack space. They should be avoided wherever possible. On SMS, if you try to use recursive functions too much, you may end up with the error ‘program structures nested too deeply, my brain hurts’! It is however, more likely that you will end up with an ‘Out of Memory’ error and not be able to do anything else (not even NEW).


The LOCal statement (if used) must appear as the next statement following DEFine PROCedure, otherwise an error will be reported. Under SMS if this is not the case, the error ‘Misplaced LOCal’ will be reported.


Do not try to DEFine one PROCedure inside another - although this is actually allowed under most implementations, compilers presume that an END DEFine should be placed before the start of the next DEFine PROCedure and it makes programs very difficult to follow. Under SMS the error ‘Defines may not be within other clauses’ will be reported when you try to RUN the program.


As with DEFine FuNction problems do exist with recursive PROCedures which prevent the Break key from working. These problems are fixed by SMS v2.59+


Except under SMS, if you assign the same name to a PROCedure as a resident command, not only will you no longer be able to use the resident command, but it may crash the system!


From v2.59, as with DEFine FuNction, SMS insists that all PROCedures have an END DEFine statement, even if they are on a single line. If this does not exist, or there is something else wrong with the syntax, then the error ‘Incomplete DEFine is reported. The same problems exist in versions prior to v2.90 as with DEFine FuNction for in-line code.


Please see DEFine FuNction! Also see END DEFine. Look at the example for SWAP which provides a more practical use of recursive PROCedures.