
REPLY [([#wind,] keys$)]



The function REPLY reads a character from the keyboard (with the text cursor in a window enabled).

If keys$ was specified, then REPLY will only stop if the pressed key was listed in keys$, this is case-sensitive so <a> and <SHIFT><A> are different.

The return of REPLY is the position of the pressed key in keys$. REPLY behaves very differently if there is no keys$ supplied. The return will be the code of the pressed key, just like CODE(INKEY$(-1)) except that combinations of <ALT> and any other key are recognised - if <ALT> was held and any other key pressed, REPLY returns 256 minus the code of that key.


Another version of the game also shown at ASK:

100 CLS: x1 = 0: x2 = 100
110 PRINT "I am going to find out a number"
120 PRINT "from"!x1!"to"!x2!"which only you know."
130 PRINT "Press <S> if the proposed number is too small,"
140 PRINT "<L> if it's too large or <Y> if it's the result."
150 REPeat find_out
160   x=(x1+x2) DIV 2
170   PRINT x;"? ";
180   answer = REPLY("sSlLyY")
190   SELect ON answer
200     =1,2: x1 = x + 1: PRINT "too small"
210     =3,4: x2 = x - 1: PRINT "too large"
220     =5,6: EXIT find_out
230   END SELect
240 END REPeat find_out
250 PRINT "ok"\"I am the best."


ASK, INKEY$ See CODE also.