
INARRAY% (array[ { $ | % } ] [ ,first ] ,tofind[ { $ | % } ] )


INARRAY (DIY Toolkit - Vol Z)

This function searches a given array for a specified value. The array can be of any type, a string (although this must only be two-dimensional), a floating point or integer (these latter two can be any number of dimensions, up to 15 !!). INARRAY% will then search the specified array for the given value (tofind) which must be a string, floating point or integer value, although it does not have to be the same type as the array itself provided that you could assign the value to the array, for example:



PRINT INARRAY%(array%,'2020')

are okay, compare:



PRINT INARRAY%(array%,'x')

which both return an error.

The search is not case-sensitive and will also equate embedded numbers so that the strings ‘020’ and ‘20.00’ are seen as the same as ‘20’. Like the function SEARCH, the search is very fast.

The first parameter can be specified, which allows you to tell INARRAY% from which element onwards it should look (remember that the first element is indexed with 0).

The value returned by INARRAY% will be -7 if the value is not found in the specified array.

An error will be generated if tofind could not be coerced to the same type as the array.

An error will also be generated if the array contains more than 32768 entries.

If the search is successful, INARRAY% will return one value which represents the index of the entry. For strings and single dimensional arrays, this is easy - if the value returned is srch, then:

PRINT array(srch)

will show the value you searched for. However, where the array has more dimensions, you will need a little work to find out the entry referred to.

For example, take a three-dimensional array s%(10,20,30) - this contains 11*21*31 (7161) entries, with the first entry being index 0, this being s%(0,0,0) and the last entry being index 7160, this being s%(10,20,30).

If INARRAY% (s%,300) returned the value 32, this would be index number 32, equivalent to s%(0,1,1). This could be found out by using the formula for s%, where the value returned (index) points to s%(x,y,z), where:

z=index MOD (31*21) MOD 31
y=index MOD (31*21) DIV 31
x=index DIV (31*21) MOD 31

It is important to work from right to left along the list of array elements, alternating MOD and DIV for each entry.


This function will not work in a program compiled with Turbo or SuperCharge.


Use INSTR to locate a sub-string in a string. See Search Page which is similar.